Sunday, 27 September 2015

Places for Student Participants in the UWA Workshop

This post is for students interested in participating in the Decolonisation and Human Origins workshop at UWA 29 & 30 October 2015

You've probably heard by now that we are organising a workshop on Decolonisation and Human Origins at St Catherine’s College UWA on the 29th and 30th of October 2015. The workshop is funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation with extra support from the IAS and UWA’s DVCR. (You can find out more about the workshop on this website.)
This workshop is restricted and is only available for a limited number of participants. We have also organised a number of public seminars on the days before the workshop to give people the opportunity to get to know and engage with our overseas visitors and their research. Information on these seminars is also available in our previous posts.
This message is to let you know that we have a few places available for students (at any level) to participate in the workshop. Our budget constraints mean that we can only offer a seriously limited number of places. That said, we will do our best to include those of you who would like to come and who would benefit from attending.
What to expect from the workshop:
This is a two-day workshop and we’ll run from ~9am – 5.30pm each day. Some key things to know: across the two days we will have six thematic sessions with 2-3 speakers in each and those sessions will be divided by morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea, which will be fully catered. We have 5 international and 5 interstate participants in addition to a number of UWA staff from archaeology/CRAR+M, anthropology, and human anatomy. Our speakers come from a number of different disciplines and not all have a background in human origins research per se; this is intentional and the workshop is meant to be somewhat experimental and provocative. This workshop would be relevant for students with an interest in: post-colonial theory and practice; human origins in the broadest possible sense (including genetics research and the history of research); and, palaeolithic or Indigenous archaeology.
What we’d expect from you:
Basically, just to show up and engage J. There is a tendency for people to sign-up to workshops like this and not show up or cancel at the very last minute and we (literally) cannot afford this. This is a small workshop (we expect about 30 people in total) and our catering is per person and will be locked in prior to the workshop so no-shows costs us money and take an opportunity away from another student – so if we give a space to you we really expect you to show up. (If you already know you can make one day but not the other or you’ll have to leave half-way through a day because of an existing commitment that’s okay, just let us know.)
What next?
If you want to come, send us an email and let us know how attending would be relevant or useful to your current/future research interests (in no more than a few paragraphs) and also confirm that if we give a space to you then you will show up. As we noted before, there are a limited number of places so we cannot guarantee that we can give a place to everyone. We would need to hear from you by Friday 9 October at 5pm (AWST).
If you have any questions, let us know!
Best regards,
Martin and Jacq

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